Kikko Shrine

Pay a visit to this shrine, and let your thoughts drift to Iwakuni’s history.

This shrine venerates the spirits of successive generations of the Kikkawa Clan, who governed Iwakuni in the Edo Period. The present shrine building was built in 1728 in the precincts of Shirayama-Hime Shrine, in the Yokoyama District at the time, and was relocated to its current location in 1885.
The surroundings are filled with cherry blossoms and azaleas in spring, hydrangeas in summer, and fall colors and ginkgo trees in autumn.
The shrine was nationally designated an Important Cultural Property in 2004.



Yokoyama, Iwakuni City, Yamaguchi Prefecture (within Kikko Park)

Open Hours

24 hours

Closed Day(s)

No Closures


Not required

Time Required

10 min


Not Available

Access from Kintaikyo Bridge

5 min walk

